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6 days direct contact Ostracod Crustacean Toxicity Screening Kit for contaminated river sediments.
Also applicable to contaminated soils and solid wastes

ostracod sediment toxicity testing

Product No. TK36

Each OSTRACODTOXKIT F contains all the materials to perform 3 up to 8 (*) chronic toxicity tests with the freshwater ostracod crustacean Heterocypris incongruens. The ostracod crustacean toxicity tests have easy to follow instructions and detailed illustrations are provided in the kits for the conduct of the bioassays. The test organisms are included in the kits as “dormant eggs (cysts)” which can be easily hatched on demand in less than 3 days, to supply the live biota for the conduct of the assays.

(*)     depending on the number of parallels (6 or 4) and the concurrent or separate performance of the assays

Test criterion
·       The OSTRACODTOXKIT F toxicity test is a 6 days chronic assay based on two distinct effect criteria: mortality of the test organisms or growth inhibition, resulting from the direct contact with (non-diluted) sediment.

·      Cysts of high quality produced in strictly controlled conditions prelude variability associated with  recruitment/maintenance of live stocks in laboratory cultures.

·      Standardized micro-plate test containers constructed of biologically inert materials ensure uniform exposure conditions.

·      High uniformity of the volume of sediment in each test cup is guaranteed through a unique sediment dispensing system.

·      Highly uniform quality of the water layer on top of the sediment in the test cups (water/sediment ration  8 : 1) is achieved with the standard EPA freshwater prepared by simple dilution of concentrated solutions of selected salts with deionized water.

·      A quality control of the test organisms for survival and growth is obtained by parallel testing in a reference sediment included in each Toxkit.

·      The addition of a fixed amount of a standard food (live algae) to the test cups precludes variability of results due to food shortage resulting from different amounts of (live or dead) organic material in the test sediments.

Assets and cost-effectiveness

·      Cysts can be hatched on demand, eliminating the need and the costs of continuous culturing and maintenance of test organisms.

·      Minimal equipment is needed for the test performance: dissecting microscope - small incubator - small centrifuge - conventional laboratory glassware.

·      Shelf-life of cysts guaranteed for several months when stored properly, reducing test scheduling constraints.

·      Live (algal) food for the test-organisms easily obtained from “algal beads” included in the Toxkit.

·      Length measurement of the ostracods easily performed with unique micrometer slips included in each Toxkit.


·       Tubes with cysts, concentrated hatching and test medium, hatching and test containers, reference sediment, glass micropipettes for the transfer of the organisms, algal food, micrometer slips, large mouth syringes, plastic micropipettes and micro-sieve for the sediment transfers.

·       Detailed Standard Operational Procedure brochure, abbreviated Bench Protocol and data scoring sheets.

·       Specification sheet with the batch number of the cysts, the media, the food and the reference sediment.


·       Simple handlings and scorings.

·       Total performance time of the assay less than 2 hours.


·       The sensitivity of the Ostracodtoxkit toxicity test compares favourably with that of “conventional” sediment contact tests with e.g. the amplipod Hyalella azteca or the midge larvae Chironomus riparius.

·       The Ostracodtoxkit has already been successfully applied on a large number of contaminated sediments from different rivers in different countries, in parallel with pore water assays or conventional sediment contact tests.

Click here for a visual understanding on how the Ostracod Toxicity Test is preformed

Click here for a complete list of individual components that may be purchased separately for the Ostracod Sediment Toxicity Test

ostracodtoxkit toxicity testing


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